Tuesday, November 13, 2007

-My lovely friend Hong-

This is my BEST friend Hong.
As you see, she is very funny.
(We imitated syncronized swimming at that time used the chopsticks.)

Today, I am going to talk about the best gift for her I have ever given.

Do you think the face in this picture is real??

But, it is a fake I made.
I made this my friend's face by a paper.
First, printed Hong's picture out.
Second, cuted off only her facs part from the picture.
Last, stick that on a thick paper.
Why did I make this???
Actually, we planed to travel to the beach with other friends. We prepared everything very well. But, unfortunatly, she couldn't go with us. Because she had some problem. We were disappointed. Ofcourse Hong was much more disappointed than us. And we felt sorry that she can't go. So, we made a plane to surprise her!! We made this mask, and brang this to our trip.

While we were the beach, we took some pictures wearing this mask. It was so funny!!!
And we printed out these pictures, gave her. We said, 'you were with us during the trip!!'

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My The Most Memorable Travel In Canada

I think, there is no one who hasn't been Benff yet. I would like to tell you about a travel to Benff that was little bit special for me.

The reason that the travel was special is camping!! Have you ever camped in the middle of the Rocky?? It was so exciting! I had to put up the tent, cook and even chop wood by myself! We ate some curry with rice for dinner. After that we built up a fire, and were sitting around the fire. I was with 5 Jappeness and 4 Korean. We talked eachother manything until midnight.

That night was extremely cold. So I couldn't sleep well. The most horrible thing was going to washroom alone. I was much afraid of the darkness and the bear. But, fortunately, I didn't meet any bear. HaHaHa...

I would like to recommend camping!! You should go camping before you leave Calgary. But it doesn't mean do that right now. (It could be so~ cold!) You should wait for summer.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I am taking the ESL class in U of C.
Wlecome to my first blog.
Happy Happy today everyone.